Do I need a website designer?
3rd July 2024
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What if you do it yourself?


If you know what you’re doing, you’ve done it before and feel confident then, go for it. If you get stuck, or have any difficulty you can contact us. But remember, if you build a site in a platform you’re not happy with, such as Wix, GoDaddy, Ionos then moving that site or making big changes could prove challenging if not impossible. 


There's things only experienced designers will know, for example, we come across these commonly held misconceptions such as:

More Features, Better Website

Many believe that adding more features and elements to a website will make it better. However, cluttering a website with too many features can overwhelm users and detract from the site's core purpose, not to mention slow it down causing issues for the user and Google rankings. It's often better to focus on essential functionalities that enhance user experience. 

For example, a few years ago, one of our customers was unaware that a feature they needed was already available within their existing theme. They had installed an additional plugin to create a gallery, not realising the theme already included this capability. When they reached out for assistance with the gallery plugin, we guided them on how to utilise the theme’s built-in gallery feature instead. This made the extra plugin unnecessary, helping to keep their website running more efficiently and faster.

Text as Images

Using text within images may make specific fonts or layouts easier to implement, but this can reduce SEO effectiveness and accessibility. Text in images is not readable by search engines and screen readers, which can affect your site’s visibility and usability, and accessibility

Once Done, It’s Done

Another misconception is that once a website is designed, no further work is needed. In reality, effective web design requires ongoing efforts, including regular updates for content, security and software updates measures, and adjustments based on user feedback and analytics.

For example, a few years ago, on an online shop we managed, the payments stopped working, it was because Stripe (a payment merchant similar to PayPal) has increased their security, so we needed to update the settings on the website so that it could continue to take payments. 

Users Will Figure It Out

Assuming that users will learn how to navigate your site, regardless of its complexity, can lead to poor user engagement. Usability should be intuitive; a good design guides users through a website without them needing to figure out how things work, think of Amazon’s website and how bing that is, and how easy that is to navigate.


That's just a start! If you feel confident about handling it on your own, go for it. But if you realise you need some assistance, we're here to help, no matter what. Whether your website is built on Wix, GoDaddy, Ionos, or WordPress, we can provide guidance if you're stuck or even if you're considering starting afresh. Feel free to reach out to Abbie—I'd be delighted to assist you!

Will it cost more if I get someone else to do it, or if I do it myself

If you're new to building websites and have been exploring your options online, we understand we might seem biassed, but we're here to help. We don't believe in hard-selling; instead, we aim to guide you to the best choice. Tackling web development with limited experience can be time-consuming, may result in your site being less visible on search engines like Google and Bing, could increase your exposure to spam, and might lead to security vulnerabilities.

Let us help!

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