How you can help the next generation become tomorrow's Richard Branson
15th January 2015
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There have been some significant changes in education over the last few years; middle schools closed when Suffolk Education returned to the two tier system. We've seen the introduction of Clare's Stour Valley Community School and many local schools are breaking away from Suffolk Education Authority’s control and becoming academies.


Thomas Gainsborough School (TGS) has been part of this change; two year groups (Years 7 and 8 or Years 1 and 2 for those of a certain age!) have been added to the school which has rebranded, renamed and had new additions to the senior management team. All this has created a school very different from Great Cornard Upper School.


As both a parent and business owner, I can't stress how important it is that we have good schools. Obviously, as a mother I want to send my children to a great school, but as a business owner, I know that our suppliers, customers, employees and even competitors of the future are today's students. A community needs, and deserves, a good school; one that will inspire the next generation to build new businesses, create new jobs, and contribute to our local community. It seems the school is well on its way to achieve these goals.


By no means is it the perfect school. What school is? There is still work to be done, but the strategy is in place and the school’s ethos to achieve excellence is certainly pointing TGS in the right direction.


But the shaping of the next budding entrepreneur or sort-after employee doesn't lie exclusively with school. We, as business people, can offer so much valuable advice and support. Did we even know the jobs we do now existed when we were 15 years old? Would you have liked to know how to get that first interview or apply successfully for the career you wanted? We have years of experience that can make a difference. By offering a few pieces of advice about putting together a CV could open the door to great opportunities for these young people. By putting a student, about to leave full time education, through a mock interview could give that student the confidence to succeed in the real thing.


If we feel the students are lacking certain skills, why not help them develop them?


If there was one thing that I took away from the evening, it was how keen the school are have the support of local businesses. They are open to offers of work experience or careers advice from all different aspects of business. If you would like to chat about how to help, then contact Kenny Alexander on


About the Author

Penny W

Member since: 17th March 2014

Hello! I'm Penny from thebestof Sudbury, shouting about the best local businesses from Hadleigh through the Clare. When I'm not doing that, you'll find me knitting socks or tending to my 6 chickens

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