Personalised One-to-One Support for Your Website Hosting and Maintenance at Polyspiral Website Design and Hosting
17th March 2023
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So if you get stuck you can ask us! 

From £30 a month we provide an hour's one-to-one support with all of our websites, even though that’s less than half of our hourly fee. Because we don’t want you to be worrying or struggling over something when you don’t need to.

Our customers can get us on email, phone or via our Facebook page on messenger, or even Zoom where we can screenshare which makes it a bit easier to show how to do stuff.

We want you to be able to update your own website!

While we are more than happy to update your website for you, we highly recommend that you take charge of your website content. After all, you possess an intimate understanding of your business that we may not necessarily have. Plus, you won't have to rely on our availability to make any necessary updates in a timely manner. That being said, we are always available to provide any assistance you may require.

This means you can add and edit text, images, videos and pages. We don’t charge by the page any more, that went out with the arc.

SEO - getting your site ranking higher in Google or even Bing.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a skill that involves not only boosting your website's rank on search engines but also driving more traffic and generating leads. By optimising various elements of your site, such as content, keywords, and meta tags, you can improve your chances of appearing higher in search engine results pages and ultimately attract more potential customers to your website.

The written content of your site is the main way Google judges if it’s good or not. We will already optimised your website for Google, in terms of speed, adding Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Bing. So you just need to write good content, we’ve written a useful article here: WordPress SEO content guide. However, we know most people learn visually or by doing, so we’re happy to give SEO tips when you’re writing your website content, and throughout the lifetime of your site. Or even if we didn’t build your website, contact Abbie here and ask anything you like as long as it’s web related.

What does Polyspiral’s website support include?

Well, everything you need to get you started and keep you going: 

Can’t login?

Usually if you can’t login to an account online, you can reset it via your email like so

But sometimes that doesn’t work, emails sometimes get lost or blocked, so if you need our help, we’re happy to reset it for you and make sure you can login again in the future.

Can’t work out how to do something

Don’t struggle, ask!

If you get stuck, chances are we know how to help. We once had a customer say “I was up till 3am trying to work this thing out’ on his online shop. When he came to visit, we showed him how to add multiple options to the products on the site. It was quite simple and I think he was a bit annoyed that he hadn’t realised how easy it was. Well, if you don’t know it isn’t and if you’ve spent a few minutes trying to work it out, then ask. That’s what we’re here for!

Don’t put up with spam, especially from your contact forms!

There are some odd people out there testing to see if they can break into stuff, it goes back millenia, people like to screw stuff up for all sorts of reasons. An attacker trying to spam a contact form, may in fact be testing the site for security weaknesses and it doesn’t matter the size of the site. People sometimes target sites just because they can. 

If you’re getting a lot of spam from your WordPress website contact us we’re happy to help, or if you’re using the Contact 7 plugin read our useful article: Contact 7 WordPress spam prevention

Want a chat about adding a feature 

Sometimes it turns out the plugin or theme already installed is capable of that very feature. We recently had a customer who installed a gallery plugin, only to discover that the developers had stopped providing support for it. Our customer let us know something was wrong, and we were happy to tell them that the website builder we use had a built-in gallery anyway. We set up that gallery on the site, and gave them instructions on how to add more photos and to give us a call if they needed further assistance. Which they were very happy with. 

Some plugins aren't free and the fewer you use the faster your site. So if you can do more with less plugins the better.

But, you may want to add an online shop, or a quiz, or something else entirely, we don’t want you to feel you’re going to be unexpectedly charged a fee for asking about it. We include discussions like this in our support services to serve as a bridge towards a more successful and profitable website for your business. Our goal is to collaborate with you and provide valuable insights and guidance to help you achieve your online business objectives.

Let us help

If you would like a free chat about how we can help, contact us by email or phone on 01787 464690

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