thebestof Women in Business Lunch at The Bull Hotel, Long Melford
21st October 2015
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Yesterday, 50 professional women met at the Bull Hotel in Long Melford for the first women in business networking lunch.

It was a fantastic event, with a wonderful mixture of businesses and professions. Becky Hills, Business Development and Events Manager organised a great buffet lunch and gave a presentation on what the Bull Hotel has to offer. There are some great events taking place over the next few months. 

I'd like to thank those that listened and participated in my presentation on social media and how it can help your business. There were some interesting and great ideas discussed. I hope it was useful.

As always, I would like to also say a huge thank you to Nicky West from Ranson and West Photography, who manages to capture the atmopshere and spirit of my networking events so well. If you'd like Randon and West to come to your event or take photos of you and staff for your website, then do get in touch with them

We are really looking forward to our next event, which will take place in January 2016. Let me know if you'd like to come and we can keep you updated!

About the Author

Penny W

Member since: 17th March 2014

Hello! I'm Penny from thebestof Sudbury, shouting about the best local businesses from Hadleigh through the Clare. When I'm not doing that, you'll find me knitting socks or tending to my 6 chickens

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