What are metrics in Google Analytics?
27th October 2023
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Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides insights into website traffic and user behaviour. It offers a multitude of metrics to help website owners understand their audience, website performance, and the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. 

Here are some of the primary metrics in Google Analytics:


The total number of visitors who accessed your site in a given time frame.

Click here to learn more about Users in Google Analytics 


The number of individual visits users have made, regardless of the number of pages they viewed during those visits.

Learn more about Sessions here


Total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are also counted.

More about PageViews here

Pages / Session

Average number of pages viewed during a session.

All about Page Sessions here

If you'd like help with Google Analytics or your SEO contact us here

Average Session Duration

The average amount of time a user spends on your site during a single session.

Find out more about Average Session Duration here 

New Sessions

The percentage of first-time visits (new visitors) to your site.

More about New Sessions here 

Traffic Channels

Grouping of your traffic sources, such as direct, organic search, paid search, referral, and social.

More about traffic channels here 


The number of times users take a desired action, like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. This requires setting up specific "Goals" in Google Analytics.

Goal Conversion Rate

The percentage of sessions that resulted in a goal completion.

Exit Rate

The percentage of exits from a specific page, helping to determine where users most frequently leave your site.

Event Tracking

Measures user interaction with elements such as videos, downloads, mobile ad clicks, and more.


Data about how visitors arrive at your site, including which channels, sources, and mediums they come from.

Behaviour Flow

A visual representation of the paths users take through your site, showing where they drop off or continue to other pages.

Demographics & Interests

Information about users' age, gender, and interests, allows for better audience segmentation.

Site Speed

Provides data on how quickly users see and can interact with content, helping to identify pages that need speed optimization.

Active Users

Shows how many users have visited your site in the last 1, 7, 14, or 30 days.

This is just a snapshot of the numerous metrics available in Google Analytics. 

Properly understanding and interpreting these metrics can help you make informed decisions, optimise your websites, and better cater to your audience's needs.

If you'd like help with Google Analytics or your SEO contact us here 

About the Author

Abbie Thoms

Member since: 31st July 2014

Website designer, website hosting and SEO

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