Why is it good SEO to add updates to my Google Business profile?
11th July 2024
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Why is it good SEO to add updates to my Google Business profile?

Updating your Google Business profile regularly is beneficial for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for several reasons:

Improved Visibility and Ranking

Algorithm Preferences

Google’s algorithms favour active and up-to-date profiles. Regular updates signal that your business is active, which can improve your ranking in local search results.

Fresh Content

Frequent updates provide fresh content, which search engines favour. This can help keep your business relevant and increase the chances of appearing in searches.

Enhanced Engagement

Customer Interaction

Updated profiles encourage customer interactions through posts, reviews, and Q&A. Higher engagement can positively influence your search rankings.

Current Information

Providing current information ensures customers have accurate details about your business, improving user experience and trust.

Increased Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Attractive Listings

Regular updates with photos, posts, and offers make your listing more attractive, increasing the likelihood of clicks.

Relevant Offers and Announcements

Highlighting promotions, events, and new products can attract more visitors and potential customers.

Positive Reviews and Feedback:

Encouraging Reviews

Regular updates and interactions can encourage customers to leave positive reviews, which are crucial for local SEO.

Responding to Feedback

Actively managing and responding to reviews shows you value customer feedback, improving your reputation and search rankings.

Local SEO Benefits:

NAP Consistency

Ensuring your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) are consistent and up-to-date across your profile and other listings is essential for local SEO.

Location-Specific Content

Regular updates can include location-specific content, improving your chances of appearing in local searches.

Competitive Advantage:

Standing Out

An updated profile can help your business stand out from competitors who may not be as active.


A regularly updated profile reflects a well-maintained and trustworthy business, potentially attracting more customers.

In summary, adding updates to your Google Business profile enhances your visibility, engagement, and reputation, all of which contribute to better SEO performance and increased customer acquisition.

See how to add your update to your Google Business Profile here

About the Author

Abbie Thoms

Member since: 31st July 2014

Website designer, website hosting and SEO

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