Dementia Friendly Alliance
Dementia Friendly Alliance
  • 10 Market Hill
    United Kingdom
    CO10 2EA
A call out for Sudbury people to make a difference for those living with dementia.



Charlotte Gray Farrer is a dementia friends champion with the Alzheimers society. She has held public dementia awareness sessions to help those living with dementia feel more supported in Sudbury but she would like to take it one step further and create a committee for a local dementia action alliance


Charlotte has written this article, expressing her vision for creating a the Dementia Alliance and helping those who live with Dementia in Sudbury.


I would like to bring together anybody who can influence and make a difference to those who live in our town with dementia. My vision is that we have a committee of like-minded and passionate people that who can contribute ideas and momentum to get everybody in Sudbury on board.



The dementia action alliance would meet once a month, distributing the actions that are needed and working together in becoming recognised about working towards being dementia friendly town.



Dementia action alliance’s first goal would be to have all those working in a customer facing role in Sudbury, to be a dementia friend; to have an understanding of those with dementia and to give more support. Imagine the difference this will make to someone living with dementia, enabling them to go about their everyday life, knowing there will be the assistance and support in the town, if they need it


There are so many great ways the town can move to being more dementia friendly. The best people to ask are those with dementia and talk with them about what they want from Sudbury. Once a committee is brought together,  a working group of people who are living with dementia could be created and prioritise what is needed. I’d love to involve and work with local businesses in the town,  to see if there is anything that can be done differently in order to make the town easier to navigate.


There is plenty of opportunity to make a difference and make the town better for those living with dementia and would love to see the committee grow.


However, I can’t do this without the support of others who are passionate about making this happen and I would be very grateful. If you or anyone you know are interested in joining me, please do get in touch.

Social Interaction