Robert Lindsay (Green Party)
Robert Lindsay (Green Party)
  • Bildeston
    United Kingdom
    IP7 7EZ
Robert Lindsay Green MP candidate for South Suffolk

I have for a long time been convinced that the way politicians are running the world – driving for infinte GDP growth when we have finite natural resources  – is not achieving happiness and is wrecking the planet.

I am a former national newspaper journalist having last worked as a business correspondent for The Times. For the past seven years have lived in South Suffolk with my wife and two young boys running a smallholding and a PR and media consultancy. I was  Babergh District Council's first Green councillor in 2014-15 and have just been elected South Suffolk's first Green county councillor. 

South Suffolk needs someone to defend our market towns and villages from the wave of suburban over-development that is about to wash over them thanks to a supine local authority and the most aggressive pro-developer legislation this country has ever seen, legislation that is supported by all three establishment parties.

I want to put bus and train investment before new road building; independent businesses, the local economy and local communities before multi-nationals, and properly insulated, social and genuinely affordable homes above quick developer profits.

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