  • The Maldon Grey.
    Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2RZ
    CO10 2RZ
In a world full of innocent gestures, it is crucial to be aware of the potential dangers that can arise from seemingly harmless acts.


Teigan's Smile, a charity based in Sudbury, has taken on the mission of raising awareness about the risks associated with kissing babies on the lips, hands, or feet. Founded by Tony Bayliss,  a dedicated parent whose own child suffered the devastating consequences of a herpes infection as a newborn baby, TeiganSmile strives to prevent other families from experiencing similar tragedies. 

Teigan64941cb50a6f6c4be16680d0 contracted the herpes virus (Cold sore virus) at just two weeks old. The virus was transmitted through a simple act of affection: a kiss on the lips. This life-altering event ignited the determination to educate parents and caregivers about the potential risks involved in kissing babies on sensitive areas. By sharing their personal story and raising awareness, Teigan's Smile aims to prevent other families from enduring the same heartbreak.







A Dual Mission: Education and Support

Teigan's Smile not only strives to educate but also provides grants to families with children facing severe medical conditions. They firmly believe that every child deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life. The organisation's dedication to making a difference extends beyond spreading awareness to offering tangible support to families in need.

Granting Hope and Changing Lives

Over the past year, Teigan's Smile has made significant strides in achieving its mission. Through passionate fundraising efforts and valuable partnerships with other organisations, the charity has been able to provide grants to numerous deserving families. These grants have enabled families to cover medical expenses, adapt their homes to their children's needs, and acquire specialised equipment. With every grant awarded, Teigan's Smile brings hope and relief to families facing challenging circumstances.

The Power of Awareness

Raising awareness remains a crucial aspect of Teigan's Smile's work. The organisation actively participates in events, and conferences, and engages with parents and healthcare professionals to emphasise the importance of avoiding lip, hand, and foot kisses for babies. Social media serves as a powerful tool to amplify their message, reaching a wide audience and fostering discussions on this vital issue. Although the battle is far from won, Teigan's Smile is proud of the progress made thus far and remains determined to reduce the number of babies affected by herpes infections.

Join the Movement

Teigan's Smile recognises that real change can only be achieved through collective effort. If you are interested in supporting their cause, whether by making a donation or volunteering your time, visiting their website here is the first step toward making a difference. By supporting this local charity, you can contribute to improving the lives of children and families all over the world.


Social Interaction