Surely the only way is up?
Rosie relaxes with her knitting needles on a luxury cruise when things take a very dark turn. A rich designer can’t take his eyes off his hunky gardener.
And then he has his cataracts removed…
Ageing: It happens to us all. On the one hand, there are daunting realities and cruel setbacks. On the other, there is pleasure to be had, celebration and the chance to keep evolving.
Written and performed by the “tremendously talented and very entertaining Nigel Osner” (The Scotsman), Too Young To Stay In, Too Old To Go Out! takes an entertaining look at dating, love, work, holidays, gym and sex for those no longer young.
This “Witty, bitchy, achingly sad and strangely uplifting” show (Broadway Baby) is relatable for those who have reached a grand old age and a glimpse at what is to come for those not quite there yet. Putting the real-life experiences of older people on stage is vital. So don’t be scared – come and get tips on ageing disgracefully!
Reviews –
“Osner’s characterisations are well drawn and excellently performed. The writing is clever with plenty of wit and humour even in the darker elements of his stories.” Musical Theatre Review
“Nigel is an excellent writer and brings life to the character and the situation, giving them real personality” London Theatre 1
“a beautiful and gentle performer that took hold of the tragedy of navigating love and connection in later years of life and played the strings of comedy.” Fringe Review
“The impact on the audience was a wonder to watch as people guiltily laughed and expelled sighs of association to our ageing crisis and the ultimate changes in companionship, love and connection. This is a beautiful piece of solo work.” Fringe Review (Alternate)
“Witty, bitchy, achingly sad and, finally, strangely uplifting” Broadway Baby
“A very well-rounded show that is thoughtful and reflective” Daily Business
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