Blue Beard is a beguiling ancient wonder tale, and now it has the Emma Rice treatment!
Blue Beard the Magician makes hearts flutter and pupils dilate. With a wink, a stroke and a flick – things just seem to vanish. Cards, coins, scarves… and women.
Puff! Gone. Without a trace.
He meets his match when his young bride discovers his dark and murderous secret. She summons all her rage, all her smarts and all her sisters to bring the curtain down on his tyrannous reign.
This celebration of female power – revelling in all kinds of naughtiness, sensuality, rage and joy – is a music-fuelled feminist revenge plot infused with high comedy, tragedy, romance, and just a sprinkle of spine-tingling horror.
Narrated by a chorus of nuns, don’t miss the live score, incredible performers, and breath-taking set design – it’s the ultimate night out with a powerful political punch.
Emma Rice brings her own brand of theatrical wonder to this most beguiling and disturbing of tales. With her signature sleight of hand, Blue Beard explores curiosity and consent, violence and vengeance – all through an intoxicating lens of music, wit and tender truth.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
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