Andrew Mitchell met with Ernie Murray and Andrew Burley the Chief Executive and the Chairman, of the Sutton Coldfield Charitable Trust (SCCT). They discussed the remarkable work the Trust is doing for the Royal Town and what projects SCCT are presently working on.
Quite apart from the running of the Almshouse in Walmley with 46 properties, where vulnerable elderly people are provided with accommodation. The Trust has a grants programme where they give away over £1.5 million pounds in grants to a range of worthy causes in the Royal Town. This includes grants to schools, churches and providing £33,000 worth of school uniforms to families in the Royal Town with a household income of less than £25,000 a year.
The future of the Town Hall, something to which the Royal towns MP attaches high priority was also discussed.
Above all Andrew Mitchell thanked the trustees and all those who work for the Trust for their hard work and all they do for the Royal Town.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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