Andrew Mitchell Supports remarkable Royal Town Charity
27th June 2019
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Last week Andrew Mitchell MP met with his constituent, Shirley McKeown, to discuss her remarkable work with veteran amputees through her charity, Sutton Coldfield Troop Support.

Her charity donates money to military amputees in and around Sutton Coldfield to help with their treatment, recuperation, and through hard times. For example, at Christmas Ms McKeown has previously raised £500 each for the veterans so that they can enjoy the time with their families.

Since 2009, Ms McKeown has managed to raise an impressive £28,000 almost single handedly. She outlined to Andrew Mitchell her need for funding for her charitable work. Andrew Mitchell has put her in contact with organisations in Sutton Coldfield that provide funding for charities.

After the meeting Andrew Mitchell said:
“Shirley McKeown in her work for military veterans has done a wonderful public service and epitomises the best of the best in our Royal Town.”

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