Known for creating iconic television themes like BBC News, Countryfile and The One Show, audiences were taken through a series of anecdotes in which David described how he developed the theme tunes to popular shows such as Countryfile, The X Factor and the Antiques Roadshow.
The Town Hall was thrilled when David offered to create an original piece of music to accompany the launch of the Town Hall’s new logo.
David, who hails from Sutton Coldfield, explained the last time he stood on the stage at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall was to receive his school certificate in 1977.
Returning to the same stage, the evening closed on a poignant note, when the composer asked participants of the show to choose the final notes to what will become the new theme tune for Sutton Coldfield Town Hall.
The Town Hall’s new logo was designed at no cost to the Town Hall Trust by Paul Brookes, creative director of Brooko Studio, who said: “I saw an opportunity to create a logo that truly reflects the town's character and aspirations when asked to contribute to the rebranding.
“I'm excited to deliver a brand identity worthy of Sutton.”
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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