'Better than expected' trade for retailers after reopening
1st July 2020
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An exclusive members’ survey by the British Independent Retailers Association (Bira) revealed many business owners had experienced ‘better than expected’ trade following the reopening of non-essential shops.

Bira’s CEO Andrew Goodacre has welcomed the reopening of the hospitality industry - on July 4 in England - as he says this will  further support independent retailers.

The members’ survey was carried out to assess how retailers had faired following the reopening of non-essential shops in England on June 15.

More than one fifth (22.3 per cent) of respondents enjoyed more than 100 per cent better sales than they would have expected pre-Covid-19,  15 per cent had between 75-10 per cent of expected sales compared to before the crisis.

Almost 90 per cent (89.3 per cent) had implemented social distancing measures inside their premises.

Looking ahead, 30 per cent of respondents said they felt ‘fully prepared’ for a second lockdown (national or regional), while 49 per cent feel ‘somewhat prepared’ if restrictions are implemented again.

Andrew Goodacre (pictured) said: “The results were encouraging but also highlighted fragile consumer confidence.

“We welcome the reopening of the hospitality sector in England on July 4, but more help is needed for independent retailers moving forward, such as a reduction in VAT.”

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