Cancer Support Centre - Sutton Coldfield open its doors on a Saturday!
15th April 2019
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The Cancer Support Centre is set to open its doors for 2 Saturdays per month starting in April.

In response to clients’ feedback for Saturday opening, the Centre has been able to obtain funding from the Eveson Foundation to help cover the costs of opening the 2 nd and 4 th Saturday morning of each month.

Jackie Price (Centre Manager) said, “we are always looking to our clients to ensure that our services are appropriate and available when they need them. Following feedback from our last survey, we knew that we needed to try to open regularly on a Saturday. “

The Centre offers support to all adults affected by cancer, either directly themselves or those who are supporting them – their loved ones and family. The aim is always to help folk get through what is happening to them today.

Whether that is coming to terms with their diagnosis; coping with the effects of chemo therapy or radiotherapy; or the after effects of surgery and changes in personal image; or coping with all the emotions involved in supporting a loved one through their journey. We help them feel as well as they can, whilst going through what is a very distressing situation for everyone.

Jackie said, “receiving a cancer diagnosis can be devastating, and can change the way you perceive the world around you.

Many find it isolating and lonely, while others approach it with determination and resolve that they will beat it. However you manage it, a safe place where you can be yourself; talk openly, or not; laugh or cry; learn different things that will help you when things maybe seem at their worst; is what you will find at the Cancer Support Centre. There are always people here to talk to and share a cuppa with !”

“More and more people are trying to work as long as they can whilst going through the conventional treatments given by the NHS or are being forced back to work before they are really ready. Plus carers and supporters are often working so they cannot access our support during the week.

Our annual survey reflected this need and it has been a funding issue which has prevented us from taking this forward. We were delighted that the Trustees at the Eveson Foundation felt able to support us and our clients, in making a grant of £4002, to help support the additional costs.

Each 2 nd and 4 th Saturday the Centre is open from 9.30am til 1pm, and there will be the usual 1:1 therapies, a group and talks based on subjects such as, Nutrition and Wellbeing; The Importance of making a Will; Insurance for holidays when you have a diagnosis; Financial advice and benefits; all quite serious, but reflect the things that come to the fore when you are struggling ! If you are affected by cancer then pop along to the Centre and talk to one of the volunteers or staff.

Contrary to popular believe the Centre does not receive any funding from the government or NHS for the support they offer their clients. Every penny of the approx. £160,000 each year ( £3,200 each week ) has to be raised by donations, and fundraising, with a small amount from Trusts and Grants.

Jackie said, “ Every year we have to start again. We have a small team of volunteers, headed by Pat Brighton, who run a number of events each year, but we are enormously grateful to all our supporters – individuals and local companies - who run events, undertake sponsorship events, and make donations to support us.”

You can find additional information about events we are running on our website calendar:  or find us on facebook 

Additional information :

The Cancer Support Centre offers support to any adults affected by cancer. That maybe
someone who has a diagnosis, but also someone who is supporting them.

Our aim is to enable them to feel as well as they can, today, with whatever they are goingthrough, whether that is coming to terms with their diagnosis; coping with the effects ofchemo therapy or radiotherapy; or the after effects of surgery and changes in personalimage; or coping with all the emotions involved in supporting a loved one through their journey.

All circumstances have very different needs and the support we give is specificallytailored to the individual. We offer a mixture of 1:1 therapies, groups, talks and workshops, all designed to increase confidence, and teach techniques which the individual can use at home or work to help to support themselves, but overall a safe place where they can comeand be themselves.

The costs for running our services is approx. £160,000 every year. We do not receive any funding from the Government or the NHS and have to raise every penny from donations and fundraising events.

In order to provide the support we currently offer, we need to raise :
• £42 for each 1:1 therapy
• £46 for a group lasting 1 hour
• £3,200 per average week, although that rises to £3,600 if we are fully booked !

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