College student set to engineer a successful career
16th August 2023
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A school leavers application for a BMet engineering course has proven to be very rewarding, after winning a new iPhone in a college run initiative.

Bilal, a former year 11 student at Heartlands Academy, took part in the college’s social media competition, alongside applying for a mechanical engineering course to start in September at James Watt College.

His enthusiasm to get involved was certainly worthwhile, as Bilal was randomly selected as the winner and then presented with a brand-new iPhone 14 this week (July 25) at the college, which specialises in engineering.

During his visit, Bilal was also given a tour of the college with the Vice Principal, Randeep Sami and had opportunities to speak with engineering teaching staff.

The contest, which ran from May to June was simple – school leavers were given the chance to apply for a full-time course across BMet’s colleges and were then in the running to win the coveted mobile phone through a prize draw.

Speaking of his experience, Bilal (pictured) said: “I am so very happy to have won the iPhone, which was very generous of the college!

“I applied to do engineering, as I have always been fascinated by the subject area. I particularly like machines and figuring out how things work and can be made. There are so many exciting aspects relating to engineering and scopes for developments, and my goal is to pursue a career in this field.

“After coming to a past taster day at James Watt College with my previous school, I already knew about the great facilities on site. Coming in again though and discussing opportunities with teaching staff and the college Vice Principal, was definitely beneficial!”

BMet has strong relationship links with schools around Birmingham and its experienced schools team regularly provide and seek opportunities to inform school leavers of the variety of career routes available to them - including A Levels, T Levels and Vocational courses.

Randeep Sami, Vice Principal at BMet’s James Watt College said: “It was great to be able to meet Bilal today, who has shown a real enthusiasm to study with us and seize the many opportunities available to him.

“Meeting prospective students so early in their careers is very exciting and a chance for us to connect and discuss their futures.”

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