Comment: Community spirit has prevailed during pandemic
20th July 2020
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As we turn our attention to the ongoing challenges we face as a town post-Covid-19, it is worthwhile to reflect back on the strength of our community and its response to the challenges of the last four months, writes Sutton Coldfield Town Council leader Cllr Simon Ward.

Royal Sutton Coldfield is a great place to live and work but we were far from immune from the cruel impacts of the pandemic on every part of our lives.  The demographic profile of our Town meant that there were many residents who needed support but were not necessarily catered for by the statutory bodies.  Whether this was in collecting prescriptions, shopping or in the delivery of food parcels, it was truly humbling to see voluntary organisations across the Town step up and deliver.  As important were the number of calls made to the elderly and shielding to check on welfare but also to provide a friendly voice and avoid isolation.  This community spirit was harnessed via our church and voluntary groups but very often was just as simple as looking out for a neighbour.

I was privileged to see all of this at first hand through working as a volunteer driver for the Hope for Sutton project at St James Church.  The Rev Daniel Ramble has built a hugely inspirational team of volunteers which has now clocked up more than 20,000 hours of support.  I feel honoured that I was able to do something (in a small way) that was practical and of use to residents. A brief video on the Hope for Sutton project can be viewed on the Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council website here.

As we look forward to what will be one of the stranger holiday periods, we have seen the Town Council continues to work hard on your behalf.  The reopening of our town centre has been extremely heartening but the challenges it faces are now even greater.  Work on a new masterplan for the Town Centre has continued through lockdown and the plan will be published over coming weeks.

There have been well publicised and worrying events in our park over recent weeks.  I would urge all residents to respect the fantastic amenity that we have and please, please leave it as you find it. I would also like to thank the amazing community volunteers who take it upon themselves to clear the park on the all too frequent occasions it has been left in a poor state. The Town Council remains committed to safeguarding the long-term future of the park through taking over its ownership and management – more of this in the coming months.

As always please contact me with any observations or queries on 

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