Community Games update
18th March 2020
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Hello everyone  
We really do hope that you are keeping well and continue to do so   As a team we are now working remotely from home and preparing for the continuation of our Community Games when that is possible   10 years ago today we began planning the Sutton Coldfield Community Games and we have grown to 9 events scheduled to take place this year  
"Inspiring health and happiness through physical activity in our community” is our purpose and always will be and we wholeheartedly aim to be here in another 10 years time  
For now we have postponed our first three events this year, shown below, and we will constantly evaluate how, when and if our other events can take place  
In the meantime we are creating new ways to support the communities we work with during the next few months and will update you soon regarding this   We will also post thoughts and updates through Facebook and Twitter  
If you have any questions or queries whatsoever please do not hesitate to contact us   Stay safe, keep well and much love from the Community Games team      
Community Games Postponed  
April 17th Sutton Accessible Games May 16th Oncology and Haematology Games May 29th Sandwell Accessible Games    
Dennis Kennedy  
07723 097531
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