Cutting customer service spend could be costly mistake - expert
30th September 2022
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A customer experience expert has warned businesses against cutting costs when it comes to their customer journey.

Many firms are dealing with rising cost pressures due to inflation and rising overhead costs.

But, ahead of National Customer Service Week, which runs from Monday 3 October to Friday 7 October, Shaun Cremins of Sutton Coldfield-based insight6 says firms cutting costs on customer service will hinder businesses in the longer term.

Mr Cremins (pictured), the firm’s CX director, says this year could, in fact, be one of the most rewarding for businesses who get it right.

He said: “It costs a business at least five times more to find a new customer than to keep an existing one so it is vital to make sure that you are not losing customers before you invest in finding new ones – otherwise you are just throwing money away further down the customer journey.”

To help business owners across the West Midlands navigate the next 12 months, insight6 has produced a CX Business Pack that can be downloaded for free, giving them resources to boost employee morale and improve the customer experience to drive profitability.

Shaun added: “When times are tough, businesses, like the rest of us, try to save money but a common mistake I see is businesses cutting back in the wrong areas.

“Trying to speed up processes or cutting out the small extra touches that set their business aside.

“This is the time to really invest in the things that your customers will value and remember you for. The time and effort you put into delivering them an experience.”

Download a copy of the CX Business Pack.

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