In an all live show featuring soaring strings, striking vocal harmonies and playing all the much loved songs from ELO’s hit-filled library, the show is all set to be a fitting honour to one of Birmingham`s biggest ever bands.
The concert will flawlessly recreate the wonderful music of ELO, in a spectacular live show from start to finish. Stunning lights and special effects create an atmosphere that will have you fully immersed in the whole experience, as the ELO Encounter reel off ELO classic hit after hit.
All the superb catalogue of ELO will be performed, including their very first single “Can`t Get It Out Of My Head” and all their other memorable hits, such as “Turn To Stone”, “Livin Thing”, “Last Train To London”, “Shine A Little Love”, “Telephone Line”, “Mr Blue Sky” and the world wild classic hit “Evil Woman”.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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