Employment fair to provide advice and support to refugees
7th September 2023
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An employment fair designed to support refugees with a right to work in the UK, as well as people with reading difficulties, is taking place in Birmingham next month.

The Refugee Employment Event is being hosted by EY and the Refugee Employment Network, in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

It takes place at STEAMhouse, in Belmont Row, Birmingham on 5 September (9am to 6pm).

The free-to-attend event will provide advice for refugees on employment, education, community resources and tech accessibility.

Businesses in Birmingham and Solihull who have vacancies are being encouraged to participate, as well as organisations who can offer skills support in areas such as digital, financial and English literacy.

Themed around International Literacy Day, the employment fair will cover the important topics of English, financial and digital literacy.

Other key subjects which will be discussed include:

  • Widening the talent pool for recruitment.
  • Supporting recruitment of refugees/migrants with rights to work
  • advocating Inclusive strategies to tackle communication barriers in the workplace.
  • In-nork progression, development and retention opportunities
  • Inclusivity, employing bilingual teams and making reasonable adjustments in the workplace.
  • Barclays Bank/HSBC Financial literacy support
  • Supporting digital skills
  • Access to work solutions
  • Tackling travel communication barriers

Mark Whitehouse, district partnership and progression lead at DWP, said: “Birmingham is a super diverse city, and has always been a city of immigrants, from its earliest history.

“With 100 plus different languages spoken locally, some employers may see that diversity as a barrier to communication but may be missing out on a fantastic talent pool as a result.

“Our event will dispel the myths and perceived pitfalls associated with employing someone with either translation, language, or literacy challenges, showcasing how easily employers can access the potential of these individuals, many of whom are already working, but have so much more to offer.”

Find out more information and to book a place at the event.

Pictured: STEAMhouse is hosting the employment fair


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