The video ‘Dads Struggle Too’ is designed to raise awareness of perinatal depression and anxiety among dads (PND/A).
One in 10 new dads or partners are likely to experience perinatal mental health problems.
It can leave dads feeling overwhelmed and struggling with guilt at a time when they feel that they should be the strong person.
Voting is open for the People’s Choice Award – and you can vote for Acacia now.
Kate Davarzadah, of Acacia Family Support said: “We are so thankful to the dads who bravely shared their stories in this film and to everyone who voted for us.
“This is a great opportunity to showcase the lifesaving work that Acacia offers and to raise awareness of how perinatal depression and anxiety can affect dads and the whole family unit.
“This film is crucial in removing the stigma surrounding dads mental health problems and is a step towards making new dads and parents aware of this illness locally and nationally.”
The film is available free of charge for all healthcare professionals, services and facilities to show in waiting rooms.
This film and other free resources are available through the charity’s website.
Acacia Family Support is an award-winning Christian charity which was founded in 2004 by two mums - Emma Borg and Rachel Gregory - who both experienced postnatal depression and were determined to help other families.
The charity’s services are free and are available to mums and dads in the Birmingham area who are experiencing pre and postnatal depression and anxiety.
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