Shoppers heading to Sutton Coldfield Town Centre this Christmas will be able to benefit from free car parking, free public transport and free cycling, thanks to an initiative from Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council and Birmingham City Council.
The ‘Multi Modal Travel Subsidy Scheme’ aims to boost visitor numbers and support local traders during their busiest time of the year, by making it easier and cheaper than ever before to travel into the town centre.
The three-part scheme - which is based on other similar successful programmes in town centres around the UK - covers parking, public transport and the West Midland Combined Authority’s bike hire scheme.
For those who need to drive into the town centre, the Town Council is to subsidise free parking across seven town centre car parks, for the eight-week period from 14 November, 2024 to 5 January, 2025.
Subsidised by £47k from the Town Council’s Town Centre Regeneration Budget, the offer will focus on car parks in Station Street, Upper and Lower Reddicroft, Mill Street, Anchorage Road, South Parade and Duke Street.
It will run through to 5 January 2025, on Thursdays from 4pm and Fridays from 4pm, with parking free all day on Saturdays and Sundays.
However, the festive scheme will also aim to enable more drivers to travel by bus, by accessing the Government funded Passenger Incentive Programme offered by TfWM (Travel for the West Midlands).
It means shoppers heading to the town centre will be able to use free and discounted bus tickets being offered across the region by the scheme.
The third strand of the Multi Modal Travel Scheme offers free cycling in the town centre as part of the West Midlands Combined Authority’s public hire cycle scheme, for which Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council already provides a funding contribution.
Councillor Simon Ward, leader of Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council, said: “We are fully committed to creating a revitalised and vibrant town centre for Royal Sutton Coldfield, through our Town Centre Master Plan.
“However, while these bigger plans take shape, it’s really important that we support local businesses and traders – and there’s no more important time of year for them than Christmas.
“The festive season is a crucially important time of year for local businesses and traders, both in the daytime and nighttime economy.
“Along with ideas like the new German-style Christmas Market, this ambitious three-part travel scheme will make it cheaper and easier than ever before to travel into the town centre to enjoy the festive season, take in the festive lights, shop and relax.
“By including free bus travel and cycle hire, we’re also sending an important ecological message that, while some journeys have to be made by car, we also want to help enable people to choose more sustainable ways of coming to enjoy the festive season in Sutton.
“This is a really ambitious programme that should really boost visitors to Sutton this Christmas, and we welcome the support of Birmingham City Council in making it happen.”
Councillor Majid Mahmood, Birmingham City Council, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport said: "Birmingham City Council is committed to supporting and regenerating our town and local centres, and also through delivery of the Birmingham Transport Plan to making travel around our city safer and more sustainable.
"These festive offers are a great way for our hard working citizens to save money at what can be a very expensive time of year, whilst at the same time supporting local businesses and I'm pleased to have been able to support Sutton Coldfield Town Council with this offer.
"With free bus travel and cycle hire available for shopping and more, it’s also an opportunity for drivers to try swapping some of their regular journeys for these more sustainable modes without it costing a penny.”
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