Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School’s Giving Tree project was a resounding success – with 5,000 gifts collected for good causes.
The Giving Tree initiative is a festive highlight in the students’ busy charity-oriented year.
The students identify a range of charitable causes to help and then devise their own voluntary and fundraising activities.
This year the students organised two Giving Trees – Spirit of Christmas which were based in Gracechurch Centre and Mulberry Walk, Mere Green to attract gifts for three chosen charities - YMCA, St Basil’s Hostel and St Giles Hospice.
The students smashed their target of reaching 4,000 gifts - double the number collected last year – eventually hitting the 5,000 mark.
Karim Almourad, BVGS charity captain, said: “The Charity Team is absolutely delighted with the outcome.
“We set ourselves an ambitious target of gifts to collect and the responses from our fellow students, local residents, the school’s Corporate Partners and the general business community has been overwhelming.
“The charity team has visited each charity with a mountain of gifts which resulted in emotional and heart-warming moments for the charities receiving the gifts as well as the students donating them.”
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