In-house training approach drives growth at long-established financial management firm
16th February 2024
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Jordan Financial Management, which is the Royal Town’s longest-established firm of Independent Financial Advisers, has seen staff numbers grow and turnover double since adopting the one-to-one staff development programme.

Managing director Mike Jordan, who founded the firm more than 30 years ago, explained: “The thinking behind the idea was quite simple – ‘don’t retire your experience, pass it on’.

“Our business has always provided a very personal approach with clients, so when we are bringing new people through it’s vital that they not only acquire the correct experience and qualifications, but they also absorb that culture of putting clients first.

“So, we selected people who we believed had the personal attributes to be excellent financial advisors and committed to train them over a number of years.”

The result has been new recruits embedded in the culture of the business while becoming fully-qualified financial advisers – and turnover has doubled in six years.

Administrative staff and an office manager have also been taken on to support the growth of the business.

Mike said: “During that time, they have shadowed me in my own work and learned first-hand how to do the job. It means that along the way they have encountered a very wide variety of the issues we assist clients with, together with the relevant solutions.

“And, while initially I intended that they would simply look after existing clients, the additional capacity we now have has meant we are able to help so many more people going forward. 

“Our sector is all about investment – we have found that investing in our people has had very tangible positive returns.”

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

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