Kaleem Hussain, founder and managing director of Guidance Consultancy, has received an Ambassador for Peace Award (2024) from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF).
In a world mired by protracted conflict which impact peoples’ lives in multiple ways, the Peace Award has inspired Kaleem further and reiterated the importance to continue working on peacebuilding initiatives.
Kaleem is also a Peace Leadership Collaborative Adviser, and contributor to a new magazine titled Peace Prospects, launched in November 2024, which brings together stories of peace leaders worldwide, to promote and advance peace leadership.
He said: “It is an honour to receive this award and recognition from the UPF and I would like to thank all the individuals and organisations I have collaborated with over the years at a local, national and international level on the theme of peace.”
Learn more about peace leadership theory and scholarship, along with inspiring stories of peace leadership in action in multiple countries, via the website.
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