After raising over £119,000 at the 2024 gala dinner, West Midlands charity Kids’ Village has announced details of its 2025 extravaganza.
This year, Kids’ Village will be hosting its gala dinner in the new Masters Suite at The Belfry Hotel and Resort, on Thursday 2 October.
Attendees are invited to join in with an evening of live music and entertainment in support of Kids’ Village, starting with a champagne reception, followed by a three-course meal at the Black Tie Gala.
Business leaders, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and supporters of Kids’ Village will join together for a special evening raising essential funds to help build the first holiday village offering respite breaks for critically ill children in the UK.
Katrina Cooke, CEO of Kids’ Village, said: “The Kids’ Village Gala dinner is our flagship event of the year.
“It is an opportunity for local families, friends, and businesses to support Kids’ Village and enjoy a fun evening of entertainment at our black-tie dinner. See you there!”
Gail Aldridge, marketing director at The Belfry Hotel and Resort team, said: “We are delighted to be hosting the Kids’ Village gala dinner in our flagship new events venue, The Masters Suite.
“As a life-changing charity who inspire so many with their compassion, dedication and positivity, we can’t wait to welcome them to this dynamic and innovative space and support them to create a spectacular event worthy of all the incredible work they do.”
To find out how to get your tickets to the event, download the brochure here, or email
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