'Lockdown Legends' book in spotlight during mental health week
26th May 2020
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A ‘Lockdown Legends’ colouring in book designed to alleviate, stress, anxiety and boredom during lockdown has earned TV coverage as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

The book is the brainchild of Chamber member PLOTT Creative and local illustrator Sabina Gran (pictured).

It features illustrations of lockdown heroes such as Colonel Tom Moore and the Body Coach Joe Wicks.

Sabina and PLOTT Creative boss Anna Plotnek have appeared on ITV and BBC news programmes today to talk about the book and its impact on mental health and mindfulness.

The book came to fruition as a way for Sabina  to help her own wellbeing when she lost her income due to the pandemic.

She said: “Having struggled with my own mental wellbeing over the last few weeks and losing my income, I hope the drawings will help to encourage positivity and mindfulness, as well as being a welcome distraction at this crazy time.”

This week, PLOTT Creative have delivered Lockdown Legends books to Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Wyndley Care Home and John Taylor Hospice.

The book is still available to by here and here for £12.95.

All proceeds go directly to University Hospitals Birmingham Charity’s NHS ‘Superheroes Fund’.

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