New C-19 crisis directory to support wider Sutton Coldfield area
4th May 2020
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Sutton businesses and organisations are being urged to take part in a new coronavirus listings website to keep locals up to date on essential amenities during the C-19 crisis.


Sutton Coldfield Town Centre BID has joined forces with Adventure Graphics to create Support Sutton Coldfield, a free resource hub, providing business support and showcasing services of local organisations, establishments and charitable schemes across the whole of the Sutton Coldfield area.

The directory, initially set up to share updates from town centre-based businesses is now being rolled out to cover all of Sutton Coldfield during this difficult time. Businesses and organisations can add their information by visiting

The website will be continually updated with useful links and important business updates throughout the Covid 19 crisis to ensure the community is kept abreast of the latest news and support available.  It aims to enable locals to:


  • Know what key businesses are open in the wider Sutton Coldfield area and/or order online
  • Share information about a business or organisation in the wider Sutton Coldfield area
  • Find Sutton Coldfield Town Centre BID’s C-19 business advice and resources
  • Check Sutton Card’s regular updates from businesses/organisations specific to the town centre


Mike Bushell, Sutton Coldfield Town Centre BID Manager, said: “It’s important to support local businesses at this time and share useful contacts that we know about. We are all in this together. This website aims to help Sutton Coldfield residents and businesses find the information and contacts needed during the coronavirus pandemic.”


Among the information provided, residents can find details of key businesses that are open, designated shopping hours for vulnerable shoppers and key workers, and where it's possible to place online orders.


Helping to feed the local community, the online hub also includes details of Sutton Coldfield Town Hall’s foodbank scheme.  Town centre specific links are also featured: business advice and resources from the BID and town centre information via Sutton Card.


Introduced by Sutton Coldfield Town Centre BID, the Sutton Card initiative was originally launched to increase awareness of the town’s offering and encourage local residents to discover something new.

The bespoke loyalty scheme has now evolved and been modified to provide Sutton Coldfield people with a one stop-shop for information and updates, to support the community throughout the Covid 19 crisis.

Mike continued: “Of course, many businesses and organisations right across Sutton Coldfield have been forced to alter their services over the past few weeks, but there are still many fantastic services to help us while staying at home or making essential trips out.”



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