The appointments to manage properties in Erdington and Handsworth brings Burley Browne’s property management rent role to more than £6.5 million per year.
At Chester Road Industrial Estate, Erdington, which has 22 tenants in offices, shops, industrial and business units, Burley Browne has been instructed by private investors to provide a full range of property services including management, service charge collection, lease advisory and agency.
Current tenants include car repair companies, a charity, accountants and an NHS training centre.
In Handsworth, the team has been instructed to provide service charge collection at Soho Road Health Plaza, Soho Road. Burley Browne will carry out a full review of the service charges and compliance.
James Merrick, joint managing director of Burley Browne and head of professional services, said: “Our property management division is going from strength to strength and we are continuing to enjoy steady growth.
"These two great new instructions demonstrate that landlords recognise the depth of talent and experience in our property management team and the high levels of service we can provide.
"We are keen to grow the division further and look forward to working with more landlords and investors.”
Burley Browne is one of the West Midlands’ leading independent commercial property consultants. It provides a comprehensive range of commercial property services to a wide variety of clients.
These include private individuals and small businesses, through to pension funds, banks, property investors and developers, multi-national companies and national retail and leisure operators.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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