Royal Town’s MP launches YouTube Channel to provide updates on Coronavirus and his work locally
23rd March 2020
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Andrew Mitchell MP has launched a new Youtube Channel as part of his ongoing effort to ensure that his constituents are up to date with local developments on the Coronavirus outbreak and to provide details of his work across the Royal Town.

Andrew said: “In this time of fake news and uncertainty I have launched a YouTube Channel so that I can interact directly with my constituents on a regular basis. The video format will ensure that I can reach large numbers of people across the Royal Town. I will provide updates on Coronavirus over the coming weeks. Long term I hope that the channel and my social media content will encourage local youngsters to engage with politics in more detail.

It is vital that MPs are open and available to their constituents and I look forward to posting lots of videos over the coming months.”

Andrew’s YouTube channel can be found here:

Photo shows Andrew filming his first video earlier this week


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