School staff produce PPE
4th May 2020
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Staff at Bishop Vesey Grammar School, Sutton Coldfield, have been putting their design technology equipment and knowledge to good use to produce crucial personal protective equipment (PPE).

Staff, with the help of several year seven students, have produced 480 mask clips and 32 face visors for frontline workers.

Additional components have been produced using a 3D printer purchased using the grant funding awarded to the school in 2018 by the Millennium Point Charitable Trust as part of our annual STEM grants initiative.

This initiative by the school comes as a response to growing national concerns over insufficient supplies of PPE for the NHS.

Headteacher at the school, Dominic Robson, comments: “These are very challenging times for our health service.

“Design Technology staff at Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, Skye Bowen and Andrea Gregory, answered the call to use their skills to create PPE for our front-line NHS workers.”

“They want to do even more and that’s why we are appealing for support from the business and wider community.”

The PPE equipment already produced has been delivered to Good Hope Hospital; Sandwell Hospital, City Hospital, New Cross Hospital, Heartlands Hospital and Walsall Manor Hospital; and are currently being used by staff treating patients.

Several hospitals and nursing homes have come forward to request PPE equipment from the school. The former grant recipient is also considering expanding the range of items they are producing depending on the materials they can acquire.

The school has received donations of materials from several sources including families of students, John Wilmott School, Fosco Hayes Hurdley and a former pupil, who has provided enough materials for an additional 500 visors.

Offers of manufacturing support from Fairfax Academy, Arthur Terry School and Plantsbrook School as well as staffing support from John Wilmott School. However, the school says that there is still much more support needed.

Head of design technology at the school, Skye Bowen, comments: “We have been overwhelmed with the offers of PVC from the community and the support from parents and fellow institutions.

“To keep up with demand we are now asking for donations of Polypropylene (0.75mm)”

Interim CEO of Millennium Point, Abbie Vlahakis comments: “We are moved by the actions of Bishop Vesey Grammar School to help protect our local key workers during this crucial time.

“We are delighted that in some small way our grant funding has helped equip the school to facilitate such an amazing use of their DT resources.”

“Now we urge local business leaders and the community to join us in supporting this fantastic initiative.”

For further information or to offer your support to school please contact Mrs S Bowen

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