Students inspired by character building initiative
25th November 2022
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A character building programme at John Willmott School is using challenges to help students develop important life skills and values.

The school, which is part of the respected Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, launched the Character Virtues programme in September, with pupils taking part in all kinds of activities that build their personal skills both within and beyond the classroom.

Acting headteacher Nicola Gould explained: “The idea behind the Character Virtues scheme is to help students grow as individuals, alongside the learning they do in the classroom.

“It’s about creating a feeling of community within the school, and encouraging students to support each other.”

The scheme, which follows guidance from Birmingham University’s Jubilee Centre for Character Education, as a school we have identified eight moral virtues for students to pursue:

  • Self-Discipline – Managing your feelings and conducting yourself appropriately.
  • Integrity – Being honest and trustworthy.
  • Kindness – Being friendly, generous, and compassionate.
  • Gratitude – Feeling and expressing thanks and appreciation.
  • Courage – Acting with bravery in challenging situations.
  • Respect – Showing regard for someone’s feelings and rights.
  • Commitment – Demonstrating dedication and determination.
  • Service – A humble generosity of time, thought and spirit.

Each week there is a character education lesson, and inter-form challenges that enable children to interact building social skills and rekindling the feeling of connection with each other and the school. 

So far this term activities have included a basketball shootout, a general knowledge quiz, football juggling contest, a maths quiz and a paper aeroplane challenge.

Mrs Gould said: “These are fun activities which actually have a really serious purpose, to build character in the students and unity across the entire school.

“We try to ensure that there is something for everyone, so that there is a chance to perform and participate for all students. 

“Anyone can join in, it just takes courage, which is one of our virtues.  This, along with our weekly ‘shout-out’ in assembly for students who demonstrate the virtue of the week, mean there are more chances to celebrate students’ achievements together. 

“Our community is growing, and we are stronger for it.”

The John Willmott character virtues can be “caught” from interactions in our community, “taught” through educational experiences and reflection, and “sought” out by people who come to pursue and direct their own character development. 


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

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