Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School students are getting into the Christmas spirit by organising two community ‘Giving Trees’ to help those in need.
The Giving Trees, located in the Gracechurch Centre in Sutton Coldfield town centre and Mulberry Walk in Mere Green, have been supplied by WM Wheat & Son Ltd and will provide a hub for local people to donate presents and goods.
At the end of the giving period, students will wrap up the presents and take them to their selected charities in time for Christmas.
The three charities being supported are YMCA, St Basil’s and St Giles Hospice.
For the YMCA, people are being encouraged to donate children’s toys (5-11 year olds), hats and gloves (age five to adult), puzzles, activity packs, selection boxes, chocolates, sweets and books.
For St Basil’s gifts requested include long-life and easy to cook foods, underwear, towels, pots and pans, toiletries, bedding and activities and games.
Items being sought for St Giles Hospice include hats and gloves, puzzle books, jigsaw puzzles, board games, slipper, nightlights, toiletries and arts and crafts items.
The Giving Trees are running up until 19 December.
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