Sutton Coldfield Charity's Mission is to Rescue Hedgehogs and Raise Public Awareness
27th September 2019
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Hedgehogs are endangered in the UK and their numbers are dwindling fast, from 36 million in the 1950’s to under a million today. Road traffic accidents, lack of wild gardens, the use of strimmers and garden equipment that destroys their nests and often mutilates the sleeping hedgehog, slug pellets and pesticides and a lack of access between gardens are the main culprits for their demise. By 2025 the sighting of these beautiful creatures in the UK could be rare unless we all become more hedgehog aware.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal (sleep during the day and come out at night) and there are very few reasons why they would put in an appearance in full daylight, most of those reasons mean they are in trouble. Any of the following situations are an emergency and means the hedgehog requires immediate emergency care -

  • If you hear a hedgehog squealing or screaming it is in agony and needs immediate pain relief
  • if a hedgehog is injured or bleeding, gasping for breath, caught in netting or trap
  • if the hedgehog looks wobbly or drunk when it walks it is ill or dehydrated
  • if it looks as though it is covered in flies or maggots, if it appears to be having a seizure
  • if the hedgehog appears to be sleeping or sunbathing during the day


Not all hedgehogs you see will be in trouble and need help but if in doubt get in touch with your local hedgehog rescue or vet. Any local vet will take in the animal and treat it under their RCVS Code of Practice.

Once you have determined the hedgehog needs help please read our Emergency Care page and follow the guidance


If you find a nest without the mum present do not disturb the nest but call your local hedgehog rescue or your local vet immediately. If the babies have been abandoned or their mum has died they could die within hours.
Sometimes the nest has already been disturbed and mum has gone or been killed. If you think this might be the case keep a close eye on the nest to see if she returns. If there is no sign within a couple of hours and the babies are making noises, wear gloves and place the entire nest in a cardboard box and get them to a rescue or vet immediately.

Do not try to rear them yourself as they need specialist care.

For further information on emergency care please click here.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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