Sutton Coldfield Scouts Say: "Scouting Can Help Open Doors In Birmingham County"
29th April 2019
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Sutton Coldfield Scouts believe that volunteering for Scouting is the way forward: whether that be landing your dream job, updating your CV, applying for university, taking a gap year or even changing career.  Volunteering for the largest youth movement in the world can boost your CV, your UCAS statement and give your prospects that much needed edge at job interviews.  
Programme planning, fundraising, sorting out administration and finances, organising an energetic bunch of young people - all of these skills could help you get that job.  When completing that application form, change your mindset and think of Scouting as a job and not a hobby. 
Tell them about your communication skills, volunteer management and creating resources because it`s all transfereable experiences for the wonderful world of work.   The job market is competitive.  The latest figures show that 1.34 million people in the UK are currently unemployed (a downward trend) while the number of 16 - 24 year olds not in education, employment or training (known as "NEETS") is 783,000.  Studies have shown that time spent NEET can have a detrimental effect on physical and mental health and increase the likelihood of unemployment, low wages or low quality of work later on in life.  
  Scout adult volunteers can work towards nationally-recognised qualifications like first aid, health and hygiene - all qualifications that potential  employers value.  Adult volunteers can also be trained to deliver adventurous activities like archery, climbing, caving and abseiling or even become a qualified mountain leader.  The training modules Scouting offers are recognised by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) and the Institute of Training & Occupational Learning (ITOL).  
  In a recent independent study 41% of employers said that if an applicant for a job interview was an adult Scout volunteer it would positively influence a decision to employ them because Scouting gives you lots of transferable skills.   Here are some examples:  
(1) Motivation Attending regular meetings, completing training modules, programme planning, managing volunteers or Scout finances all demonstrate that you can be trusted and are reliable.  
(2) Leadership Scouting is about being a role model in all kinds of weather (and especially if you`re tired and feeling grump) and spreading positivity and a can-do attitude among young people to help them develop.  We prepare young people with skills for life.  We influence our amazing young people by what we do and say.  Do you think you could do this on a camp when the little darlings have been singing all night and you are awoken at 4am by the dawn chorus having had only 1 hours sleep?  
(3) Communication Skills Adult volunteers deal with people from all ages and backgrounds in their communities and help promote diversity and inclusivity.  Along the way they develop excellent interpersonal skills if they did not have this quality already.    
(4) Time Management We are all busy people with other lives, families and commitments.  want something doing?  Ask a busy person.  Scout adult volunteers are excellent at juggling demands at Scout meetings (because it`s only 2 hours a week) and the rest of their lives.  
(5) Problem Solving How to put up that tent in the wind and the rain?  How do you use a map and compass when everyone has a sat nav on their iphone?  And how do you light as fire without matches to cook a meal in the great outdoors?  Scout Leaders are creative and resourceful.  We will teach you to develop practical problem-solving skills that translate into everyday life.    
(6) Teamwork Scouting is all about teamwork.  It`s fun, challenge and adventure - from running a Scout group, planning a jamboree to taking part in a raft race across Powells Pool in Sutton Park.  
(7) Confidence You will learn how to inspire others through working with young people and other adult volunteers.  Our Scout Leaders are legends and, seriously, some of the nicest people you will ever meet.  They just want to put something back into society, prepare young people with skills for life and have a laugh while being part of the biggest youth movement in the world.  Being a Scout Leader gives you opportunities to try new things, have fun, make new friends and test your own abilities.  Ever made your own shelter and slept in it in a forest?  Cook your own food over an open fire?  Enjoyed real home-cooked food in a pop up kitchen in a field that would rival anything in Brindley Place in Birmingham City Centre?  The chef is called Karl Woodcock and he is a Scout Leader at 5th Sutton but that is a secret best kept between ourselves.   
(8) Experience Scouting offers unique opportunities that will expand your horizons and help you grow both personally and professionally.  Is there much of a difference between motivating a bunch of tired, grumpy teenagers and chairing a meeting  of belligerent shareholders?  What you do to support your fellow Scout Leaders is what you do to support your fellow co-workers in the work environment.  Scouting shows people that you`re a team player, work hard and care about the community.    
(9) Flexibility Scouting runs a varied programme.  It is diverse and volunteers have to adapt as they deliver our branded Balanced Programme that enable our young people to develop, grow and acquire skills for life.    
(10) Crisis Management Scout Leaders are trained to respond quickly and sensibly in adversity so no young person is put at risk.  We have the appropriate safeguards, training and quality checks  but, as our Founder Lord Baden-Powell emboldened us with our famous motto: "Be Prepared". The safety of our young people is our first priority.
  We continually assess every situation and take our position seriously.   Interested in learning more?  Volunteering with us is easy, fun and flexible.  How much time you give is up to you.  Whether you help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events, there is bound to be a role that you can play and, no matter how you get involved, you`ll be trained and supported.   
Further details are available from Ian Henery,  Assistant District Commissioner for Development at Sutton Coldfield East or go straight to the website at
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