Free weekday evening travel is being offered across the West Midlands, on all bus services, in the run up to Christmas this year, in a unique move never seen before on this scale in the UK.
Between Monday 9 December and Friday 13 December all of the region’s buses will be free to use from 7pm onwards, with passengers able to simply hop onboard and travel anywhere across the West Midlands bus network.
The offer, from West Midlands mayor Richard Parker, delivered in partnership with all bus operators across the region, has been designed to encourage people to leave the car at home and avoid the stress and expense of driving and parking during the busy holiday period.
Residents and visitors heading out for some late-night Christmas shopping, a pantomime or to a festive party will not need a ticket or pass during the free travel period, making it even easier and cheaper to enjoy an evening out.
The free bus travel offer highlights the importance of bus services, while supporting the region’s shops, restaurants, pubs, theatres and concert venues.
It is part of a wider programme to attract first time and long absent users on to the bus network to help tackle congestion on the region’s roads, while supporting the bus industry’s recovery from a fall in passenger numbers and increased fuel and running costs post-pandemic.
Mr Parker said: “From day one, I said that making the bus network better for the people of the West Midlands was one of my top priorities and this offer shows we, in partnership with our bus operators, are taking this challenge seriously by being the only region in the country taking these exciting steps to make a difference.
“So many of us will be heading out for parties, meals, stage shows and late-night shopping trips this Christmas.
“But it can be an expensive time of year, and I hope this free travel offer can help people save a few pounds, make their money go further and see the benefit of travelling by bus while visiting their local high streets and enjoying what our region has to offer this festive season.”
Staff from TfWM and National Express West Midlands will be on hand at key city centre locations to help customers and make sure the scheme runs smoothly during the week.
Antony Goozee, Bus Strategy and Commercial director for National Express West Midlands said: “Buses continue to be the most popular form of public transport here in the West Midlands and we are committed to working in partnership with the Mayor and Transport for West Midlands to drive continual improvements for passengers, while encouraging people to consider ditching their cars and switching to more sustainable travel choices.”
The free weekday bus travel scheme is expected to drive a 30 per cent increase in bus passenger journeys. The success of the scheme will be monitored to explore the potential for similar initiatives in the future.
The initiative is part of the £20 million Passenger Incentive Programme which is funded from the West Midlands Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). It aims to encourage people to try bus travel for the first time or return after a period of absence, to support a passenger-led recovery of the local bus network.
The Passenger Incentive Programme has already distributed over 200,000 weeks of travel credit, generating nearly 2 million bus journeys.
For more information visit the website.
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