2nd August 2021
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Panto auditions for CINDERELLA will take place at The Town Hall, Sutton Coldfield on Sunday 5th September 2021 from 11:00am with registration at 10.30am. So, if you know any talented youngsters then send them along! 
Produced on behalf of the Town Hall Sutton Coldfield, Cinderella will feature a fully professional cast. This high-quality, professional pantomime will be full of magic and runs for a month from Tuesday 7th December to Friday 24th December 2021 and features two teams of children who will be involved in singing, dancing and acting.

Rehearsals are held daily between Monday 22nd November and Tuesday 7th December between 4:30 and 6:30. There are no Sunday rehearsals. The commitment is significant so please do think about whether you are able to give that level of commitment.

We are not able to give time off rehearsals or performances for any reason except for on compassionate grounds. 
The Town Hall is keen to see young people's ‘personality’ as well as their singing, dancing and acting skills: it will not be enough just to be a good dancer! 12 young people are needed, boys and girls, to form two troupes of 6 who will play alternate days during the run. The minimum age is 10 on the first day of rehearsal (22nd November 2021) The maximum age is no older than 21. A list of performances and rehearsal commitments will be available on the day.

The audition will include the young people learning a short dance routine, singing as a group and individually and we will ask them to recite a very short prepared poem or joke of their choice.
All young people are invited to come along whether they go to a drama or dance school or club, if they study drama in school or if they are complete novices and just fancy having a go!
Please complete the Registration Form beforehand by clicking on the button below.    REGISTER   We will acknowledge receipt of this form and send you further details about the time we would like you to come to the audition. We will audition everyone who applies. 

You should sign in half an hour before the first session starts. If you have completed the Registration Form we should have your name on a list. Audition times will be on a first come first served basis. Depending on how many people turn up to audition you may have to wait your turn. You are welcome to bring water in bottles into the audition room but no food and no other drinks. You should be dressed ready to do a dance audition.

​You will find out on the day of the audition whether you have been successful. This can be upsetting for those young people who don't get selected and we apologise for that in advance. We have found over the years that it's better to know as soon as possible.
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