The Armed Man
  • Trinity Church Sutton
    Cheam Road (opposite Sutton Library)
    SM1 1DZ
  • Sunday 10th November 6:30pm until 8:00pm
Our Remembrance Sunday evening service will include a performance of The Armed Man by Trinity Festival Choir with an instrumental ensemble.
Sir Karl Jenkins’ ever-popular The Armed Man was commissioned by the Royal Armouries to mark the millennium in 2000. It reflects on the passing of ‘the most war-torn and destructive century in human history’ and looks forward in hope to a more peaceful future.   Musically, it draws on a range of compositional styles, from Renaissance counterpoint to Romantic and ‘heart on sleeve’ melodic invention, including a beautiful cello solo in the ‘Benedictus’.    All are welcome, there is no charge.  There will be a retiring collection.
Social Interaction
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