School transport charges in Swansea ?
26th June 2014
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Swansea City Council are looking at a range of options to save on school transport costs.

These may include introducing charges for over 16's. The possible removal of  free bus services for independent schools and restricting accompanied services which are available on buses to special needs schools.

The increasingly cash strapped council are looking at a rane of measures to reduce their overall budget for this and coming years.

The school transport service costs £4 million pa at the moment.

If a charge were introduced for over 16's it would likely be in th eorder of £300 pa.

Independent ( eg Church schools) schools that receive the same service as state schools would either have to negotiate a fee structure with the council or make their own arrangements if the changes were implemented.

The council are stressing that they are only looking at these as part of a range of measures to save money.

Hopefully they can find other cost cutting measues before impacting on children's education.

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