Taunton Farmers Market

4.6/5 based on 21 reviews
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love the fresh produce, especially fruit and veg from local suppliers. Also a great place for local Somerset honey.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
Always good to visit. The people are friendly and knowledgeable, and the produce is always fresh. Highly recommended.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
Had our first visit to the Farmers Market today, it was fab! Everyone was so lovely and helpful, can't wait to try all the different products we brought.
Source: facebook.com
Produce is excellent and the breads are particularly good
Source: facebook.com
A great morning walking around the Taunton Farmers Market. There was a lovely variety of stalls and the food stalls were lush. Will definitely go again to support this great Market.
Source: facebook.com
I look forward to visiting the market every week. Everyone is friendly, up for a chat and the food is local, fresh and of a high quality.
Source: facebook.com
I was really surprised by how good the food was we got, Sausage rolls pasties and some really tasty breads and rolls all really nice then we had a frankfurter on a lovely soft bun so yummy
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
This is a small but quite good farmers market located right in the middle of town. Each of the stall holders were quite engaging, willing to advise on their products etc. There is not a big range, but what was there seemed quite good, we bought cakes, fruit loaf, jam donuts, scotch egg, bacon, pork pie, a number of cheeses and more.

the market is located centrally right in the middle of other shops, so very easy to do other shopping at the same time.
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Stalls packed with different ranges of food and drinks spoiled for choice. Very friendly Stallholders gave us taster portions of Cheeses, Hams and various Ciders whilst the hot Chinese takeaway was particularly good .Will definitely make a point to visit again.
Very impressed by the cleanliness of the streets and surrounding areas.
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Only ever been once and liked the variety of bits and bobs available. I found ale there, local produce and other things.
Source: facebook.com
Not bad selection wise but it's not great.

It's not like it was but it's still good and that's what matters.

Would travel to it if I was to far away but worth the 30 minute drive
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Wondering around Taunton I came upon the local market, it seems to be drawing to a close but saw the fruit stall had Pomelos and brought one, along with some donut peaches, once I got back to where I was staying a few of the peaches were mouldy. one would need to check all before purchase.
Taunton was full of some lovely little shops alongside some familiar ones.
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Smith and Walmsley family were on holiday and visited Taunton market in July of this year. We found it friendly and had a nice variety of foods.
Source: facebook.com
our daughter was getting married... we did all the shopping for the event at themarket
it was wonderful......fresh local foods....the cheese stalls have excellent choices..
the fresh smoked fish was excellent......smoked fish was also excellent......fresh locals foods this is the place to buy them and support local farmers
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Taunton Farmers market is a great place to get good quality fresh produce at a reasonable price. I used it every time I pass and would advise anyone to get there weekly shop there. Top quality.
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
This market has lots of lovely local produce every Thursday. I love visiting but the only problem is I can only go in the school holidays as it packs up by 2pm. I wish the council would let them also hold one on the weekends (The Council told them they could only be on a Thursday and then arranged a general bits and things market on a Saturday) They also have a lovely little shop in Bath Place :)
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Brilliant local market full of many delicious delights :)
Source: facebook.com
There appear to be fewer stalls at the present. But a space worth watching. I have been told that this is an up and coming area with redevelopment due soon to a nearby arcade? Great friendly people. Worth a stroll!
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
I shop here every Thursday morning. I am sure there are bigger farmers markets but this is just quality and more. There is a partisserie at the Barley Sugar Bakehouse with wares as good as any I have eaten in France. As well as fresh pork Donna from Ellises Farm produces a range of salamis are chorizo from her free range Gloucester Old Spot pigs. On occasions she has hogget (one year old sheep) and beef from her small herd of Hereford cattle. A wide variety of breads baked at the Common Loaf commune are available. Conrad the artisan chef produces an eclectic range of ready to eat meals as well fish cakes and fresh pates. The list just goes on!
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
Nice cozy environment ! Good food beautiful hidden talents it's truly remarkable place highly recommend the Scottish egg rolls as they are the best I have ever tasted so far.. Good place to visit with family,,,,
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
I have to declare an interest as it seems wherever I am, I frequently gravitate towards the soft, mellow colours and the landscapes of the West Country; candy for the soul I guess with Taunton typifying the calm and solace of this part of the UK. Don’t get me wrong, this is not sleepy hollow, well……… sometimes it might just feel that way with some of the “Combes” chocolate-box thatched cottages nestling next to a meandering stream which in turn feeds into the Somerset levels.
The Isle of Athelney is best known for once being the fortress hiding place of King Alfred the Great, from where he went on to defeat the Danes at the Battle of Eddington in May 878, but the Somerset levels predate the Saxon Kings and the hill fort at Norton Fitzwarren (just on the outskirts of the present day town centre) can be dated back to Neolithic times. The area has been occupied continuously to the present day and as such if you take the time to scratch the dirt with a stick, local history literally just wells up out of the ground and if you stand on the top of the hill fort and look up towards the Blackdown and Quantock hills on each side of the Vale, the countryside resembles a patchwork quilt made up of green and gold fields, bisected by rivers and valleys.
It’s no wonder that the Farmers Market held in Taunton’s High Street every Thursday reflects the sheer diversity and variety of produce grown and produced locally. There has been a market in the centre of Taunton for around 800-900 years and farmers have sold their own produce here throughout this time. Change for change sake is not always good and although obviously having changed since the Middle Ages when the monasteries at Glastonbury, Athelney and Muchelney drained and looked after the land, one obviously beneficial change for the good is the relocation of the old pig market from its previous site just off the High Street; the inherent effluvia no longer being in evidence.
The present day market usually has something like 20 or so stalls selling everything from artisan breads that use spelt, rye & rice flours in their products to homemade cakes including gluten, wheat and dairy free products, home cured bacon, sausages, pies & pasties, jams & chutneys, to local specialty meats as well as venison reared on the Quantocks.
Frequently as a visitor I simply don’t want to have to sit in a restaurant and negotiate my way through large portions of food I’m simply not in the mood for (nor have any idea what in reality I’m actually going to end up with). Neither do I want to eat a plastic encased soggy sandwich which had been made 3 days previously. I usually just want to graze, tear and share or simply pick, mix and nibble and watch the world go by. It’s just that there is something special about finding a quite spot, ripping up a crispy loaf, stuffing it with chunks of hand carved ham and home-made chutney while you watch the world go by – albeit at a rather leisurely pace.
This will give you time to reflect on the history of the market place which in bygone times was the gravitational focal point for local entertainment – usually public executions. After all, the Tudor fronted building was the lodging place of the infamous Judge Jeffrey’s - known affectionately as the “Hanging Judge”. It was in 1685 during the Monmouth Rebellion that west-countrymen confronted the king’s troops near Westonzoyland village. The rebel army was brutally crushed and many were later sentenced at Judge Jeffrey’s Bloody Assize in the Great Hall of Taunton Castle. He tried 514 people. Of them 144 were sentenced to death. Another 284 people were transported to the West Indies. If you look around carefully you can find small markers on the market place showing the site of the old scaffold (this was later moved to the outskirts of Taunton on the A38 Exeter road and was wittily renamed by some local wag as the Stone Gallows).
Just sit on one of the stone benches, close your eyes while you munch on the contents of your impromptu picnic (my own particular favourites being venison scotch egg, soft cheeses which give the French markets a run any day, and oh yes, Gin & Tonic marmalade) and should you wonder where the gallows humour shown by some of the more colourful market traders comes from, just looking down at your feet will give you some idea.
Source: tripadvisor.co.uk
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Lots to see at Taunton Farmers Market

I have just come back from Taunton Farmers Market after spending a very happy morning walking round the stalls and getting to know the traders. What a fabulous bunch they are! So many independent bakers,... Read article