Garage Mechanics in Taunton and Bridgwater

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Garage Mechanics in Taunton and Bridgwater
Sorted Motor Services
A family business you can trust, for all your vehicles need, based just two minutes from Junction 26 of the M5, you can find them easily. Not only can you have all your repairs, regular services and routine checks done with Sorted Motor Services, you can find a new car too if you are looking. With their same attitude to great service with great value you can buy a car from their vehicle sales, safe in the knowledge that you are getting a great deal.
debbie stanton said
I am a community carer and rely on my car for House visits. Unfortunately both of my lights went during my work shift . This morning I thought I would look around Westpark to see if I could pick up a couple of light bulbs . Unknown to me the work shop was closed but a very kind gentleman said he would look for me. He kindly managed to fix one bulb and asked if I could come back in a while and he will get another bulb in and fix the other side. I was so happy he managed to get all my lights working . The other reason I am so happy is because the gentleman carried out the work for free. I have never known a company to be so kind and helpful during a tough time that my husband and I are having . I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and kindness . The best Christmas gesture I have ever received from someone I do not know . Happy Christmas and will look forward to seeing you for any of my car needs next year Thank you 😊
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