National Anger Awareness Week 2018 Starts on 1st December
19th November 2018
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Generally we have the ability to choose our response to any stimuli, human beings have a choice of how to respond, whether to control our anger or let it rip and risk making matters worse. People can be overtaken by their feelings and their emotional response can cause tremendous damage, not least to the individuals themselves. Loss of control over anger is associated with levels of domestic violence, youth crime, prison population, classroom disturbances – affecting pupils, teachers and others, stress related illness at home and in the workplace, and rage manifestations including road rage, queuing rage, trolley rage, telephone and computer rage.


The Aim of National Anger Awareness Week is to recognise anger as a disturbing Social Issue that needs to be exposed and addressed effectively.National Anger Awareness Weeks objective is to help people channel their anger positively by using coping strategies and techniques to take control and calm themselves down effectively whether it is their own emotions that are out of control or those of someone else. A negative response to anger issues will make matters worse including resorting to violence whereas a positive response is far more likely to achieve a better outcome removing the stimulus for violence.


The British Association of Anger Management through National Anger Awareness Week have created an innovative ‘Keep Your Cool Over Yule Kit’ that can be used by individuals, organisations, families, schools and other groups who wish to participate. Please,see,



This initiative will consist of anger management activities, tips about handling anger appropriately, and will include calming strategies that are useful in difficult situations. The kit will help people to think about how they can control their own anger responses and how to improve their anger management skills.

Participating in National Anger Awareness Week is invaluable in raising awareness of a pernicious problem that affects many people in the work place, in family relationships and whilst we go about their normal lives, and it is a worrying example to pass on to children. Developing ways to deal with this powerful emotion by redirecting it and channelling it correctly in a creative way is hugely beneficial rather than being a destructive force.

Beating anger individually and as a society is to improve life for all concerned, developing positive Anger Management Skills will improve all aspects of life for people engaged in all walks of life.

The Best of Taunton and Bridgwater strongly recommends National Anger Awareness Week 2018 which runs from 1st December to 7th December inclusively.


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Graham R

Member since: 2nd December 2016

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