The week commencing 23rd September is National Eye Health Week,
23rd September 2019
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National Eye Research Centre, NERC, a registered charity, funds eye research teams throughout the UK dedicated to finding causes, treatments and prevention methods aimed at saving the sight for people of all ages.


Facts regarding eye health:


2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss, half of this sight loss is avoidable.


A simple sight test can detect early signs of eye conditions such as glaucoma that can be treated if found early enough.


During an eye test other health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure may be detected allowing for treatment early on.


To keep your eyes healthy, eat well, do not smoke, and protect your eyes from bright sunlight.


How can you help National Eye Health Week?


Raise money, go to

Every penny raised goes to improving everyone’s eye health.


Start a payroll giving campaign at your place of work.


Include National Eye Research Centre in your will, sign up for Gift Aid, Carry a Transplant Card so that someone else’s sight may be saved when you no longer need it.


Sign up for National Eye Health Week, and join in the fun whilst raising money, do a sponsored event – a no alcohol day -, an entertainment to raise cash, join a sponsored sport event, organise a cake stall, run a quiz night, organise or join in with a sponsored swim or a round of golf.

Check out what is happening locally in support of National Eye Health Week.

Please, see the list of challenges posted on the NERC web site (using the link above).


Every penny counts and every penny raised or donated will help NERC to work towards saving the sight of all of us nationally and locally. Please, join in the fun and help raise as much as we can, for all our sakes.


The Best of Taunton and Bridgwater strongly supports National Eye Health Week.




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Graham R

Member since: 2nd December 2016

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