Flint Knapping Workshop - Avalon Archaeology
  • Avalon Archaeology
    Avalon Marshes Centre,
    Shapwick Road,
    BA6 9TT
  • Thursday 17th April 10:00am until 4:00pm
Create your own flint-knapped, stone toolkit at this hands-on, beginner's workshop and discover the ancient techniques used by our prehistoric ancestors to craft essential tools from stone.

Join professional archaeologist and lithic specialist Will Attard for an immersive flint knapping workshop. This hands-on beginner’s workshop will guide you through the ancient techniques used by our prehistoric ancestors to craft essential tools from stone.

Throughout the day, you’ll learn to create your own basic toolkit, which will include scrapers, flake knives, backed flakes, notched pieces, and denticulated pieces. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the skills and methods used in the past, and you’ll take home the tools you’ve made.

Learn more and book your tickets here!

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