Talk and Tea: Picturing Somerset - Somerset Rural Life Museum
  • Somerset Rural Life Museum
    Chilkwell Street
    BA6 8DB
  • Thursday 6th March 2:30pm until 3:30pm
Join Tom Mayberry as he explores Somerset's rural life through the legacy of photography from the 1850's onwards.

With the rise of photography from the 1850s onwards, rural life in Somerset was recorded with a vivid immediacy that had never been possible before. Professional and amateur photographers in towns and villages captured Somerset people both in studio portraits and in thousands of informal images that reflected a way of life so soon to be gone.

Tom Mayberry’s talk will introduce us to a small part of this remarkable photographic legacy and to what it can tell us about a world we have lost.     

Tom Mayberry is the former CEO of the South West Heritage Trust having held the position since the Trust’s creation in 2014. He retired at the end of 2023 after 43 years working in South West Heritage.

Learn more and book your tickets here!

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