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Local News and Updates
Stress Awareness Month begins on April 1st, 2019
  • 24th March 2019
Stress Awareness Month has been held each year since its inception in 1992.... Read more
Monday 1st April sees the Start of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month,
  • 24th March 2019
National Charity Bowel Cancer UK is the driving force behind this National Awareness Campaign raising public awareness of the disease and what can be done to mitigate its effects and support the ongoing research into its diagnosis and treatment. Read more
16th March 2019 marks 20 years for Clearview Windows Ltd
  • 13th March 2019
Kirk Hunt had the desire to bring a quality window company to Bridgwater 20 years ago,so Clearview Windows Ltd was born.He not only wanted quality he also wanted to give a first class service. Read more
English Tourism Week begins on Saturday 30th March,
  • 7th March 2019
English Tourism Week is a week-long event showcasing the rich diversity and splendour of our Country and County showing the vibrancy and diversity of our homeland to those who wish to visit. Read more
Red Nose Day is Back,
  • 4th March 2019
Best Ever Red Nose Day so why not join in the Fun and Raise some much-needed money for those in greatest need in our own Country and beyond our shores. Read more
Start the March Walk Over Cancer on the 1st,
  • 3rd March 2019
Walk All Over Cancer is a fundraising event that will run from Friday March 1st to 31st.... Read more
National Butchers Week begins on Monday 11th March and continues to the 18th
  • 3rd March 2019
National Butchers Week celebrates the finest quality home produced meat in all of it shapes and sizes, variety and innovative preparations. Read more
5th March is Pancake Day,
  • 2nd March 2019
Pancake Day falls on Tuesday 5th March 2019, also known as Shrove Tuesday, so it’s time to head for yourLocal High Street and buy ingredients ready for the big day! Read more
Join Dementia UK in ‘Time for A Cuppa 2019’
  • 1st March 2019
Time for a Cuppa 2019 starts on Friday 1st March and continues until 8th March, time to organise family, friends and local interest groups to help support this cause. Read more
National Bed Month Begins on 1st March, Right Here in Taunton and Bridgwater,
  • 1st March 2019
Three local companies are spearheading this annual event to raise awareness of the health benefits, and comfort, to be gained by buying a new bed, they are Calvert’s Furniture, Bedrock Furniture and Laurie’s Furniture. Read more
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