Beanstalk(formerly Volunteer Reading Help) is a national charity that helps children who struggle with their literacy to develop a love of reading and learning. Our Shropshire branch was established in 1999.
What we do is simple: we recruit and train reading helpers to work in local Primary Schools, with children who find reading a challenge and may need extra support and mentoring. Without individual support, children can fall behind their peers and lack confidence.
Our trained network of reading helpers support the same children week in, week out, giving each an hour of quality one to one time. With our support, the children’s approach to learning is often transformed. Their confidence, self esteem and reading standards improve.
In Shropshire, we are currently working with over 300 primary school children and we are looking for local people to expand our network of volunteers in Telford although applications are welcome from across Shropshire.
Our volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds and we do not require any particular qualifications or experience. What we look for are people with a love of reading, patience, good communication skills and a willingness to help.
All applicants are interviewed; enhanced CRB checked and undergo two days of training before being placed in schools. On-going training and support is given. This is an opportunity which requires a commitment of two afternoons a week, term time only.
If you are interested, please contact Alison or Adelle at Shropshire Beanstalk on 07912 392272 or email
Read more about Beanstalk at
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