Yes, that’s right. If you bring your car directly to Bodyshop Express in Telford, before approaching your insurer, we will not only fast-track the repair of your vehicle, completely manage your process, but pay you up to £500 back based upon the value of the work required.
How do we do this?
Quite simply, if we work under contract for an insurer, we end up having to either provide a number of services for free, or give away discounts on labour, parts and paint. If we are chosen directly by you (hopefully because of the service we deliver), then we can eliminate many of these costs to us, therefore we see it only right to pass that back to you.
How does it work?
Call us if you have an accident. We will take care of the whole process. From informing the insurer, to agreeing the repair costs, repairing your vehicle and providing you with a courtesy vehicle if you need one.
When you have an accident, you may find that you have a plethora of different management companies harassing you to process your accident through themselves. In most cases, all they do is add cost, delay the repair and create confusion. If you deal with us directly, we will make sure you understand the minefield of credit hire, non-fault claims and personal injury. Remember, it’s us who will repair your car, so it’s just so much easier for you to deal directly with local people you trust and can contact easily here at Bodyshop Express.
How do I get paid?
It’s quite simple, if you have an excess to pay, we deduct it of your payment. If the accident wasn’t your fault, then you shouldn’t have an excess to pay, so we’ll reimburse you directly.
Visit the Bodyshop Express website for more details - click here
Call the friendly Bodyshop Express team for help and advice on 01952 616705
Read more about Bodyshop Express here - click here
Business Development at Bodyshop Express - Telford's High Tech vehicle body repair workshop.
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